Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis was admirable when he tried to get a proper deal for Greece from the EU back in 2015. When this unsurprisingly failed he had to resign as minister. That same year he grounded DiEM25 “a pan-European, progressive movement that aims to democratize the EU before it disintegrates“. Their newest strategy since April 2019 is stated in The Green New Deal for Europe. It is not clear what triggered the wish to jump on the climate-bandwagon. But it is surprising that “capital” is not mentioned at all in this newest policy, and also pretty much absent in other policies and writings. However, if anyone has really felt the power of capital it must be Yanis. On top of that he did call himself an “erratic Marxist“. I take it that Diem25 wants a real democratic European Federation, not merely to “democratize the EU”. Lees verder →