The predictable outcome of yet another symposium on Free Will
Maybe driven by a lack of subjects, attention or funding or the three of these together, a number of organizations have taken the initiative to organize yet another discussion on free will. I would hope this discussion was finalized by the publication of an interview with Daniel Dennett in “de Volkskrant” in 2012 when he was in Amsterdam on the occasion of his acceptance of the Erasmus prize. He then too participated in a number of symposiums and workshops, even one where there was a noted absence of Swaab and Lamme. From the outset I have been critical of the determinism of Lamme and others. Of course, thanks to my insignificance, to no avail.
In the past years every now and then the subject was again presented in the press, in theme publications or symposiums, without ever coming to a conclusion. The outcome of the “discussion” with the arrogant “scientists” Lamme and Swaab is quite predictable: they will not succumb. Mainly because they and their followers can’t comprehend the reality of an illusion or, better, a concept; however commonplace this is these days.
I know Daniel Dennett is a kind and very patient person who is always prepared to give the same answer another time another way in the hope one finally understands. In this case however I am disappointed he has agreed to participate.