Failure: not organizing the anti-establishment.
Let’s not talk about who used the most violence Let’s not talk about left or right. Let’s not talk about the set-up from a Democrat mayor to make shit happen.
Let’s talk about pro or contra establishment. And establishment, that’s the swamp, the universities, Wall Street, (global) Capitalism, the “Mainstream” media. Pro or contra are not necessary aware of their actual role. So Black Live Matters are actually serving the establishment, as do all identity politics-looneys. And though the Nazi’s in Charlottesville seem unaware of this they too are serving those interests. This all points in the same direction: a serious organization of anti-establishment forces is lacking. An organization who can propagate a strategy and could make clear who belongs to the organized opposition and who not. An organization that can deal with Nazi and anti-Semitic “opposition” at the earliest stage, either bringing them to heel or to oust them and even try to get them convicted. The bloggy, loosely knit “alt-right”, tea-party or whatever is too divided and unconscious of political strategy. Maybe they should read Lenin.
The first one to blame for this deplorable(!) situation is Donald Trump and some of his long time advisers, like maybe Steve Bannon. While running for president Trump was able to organize and enthuse ten-thousands of people. This enthusiasm should have been canalized in a serious, permanent organization. Not just for canvassing during the election but as a permanent force that can exercise the necessary pressure in the right direction, and can produce functionaries that can replace Democrat and some Republican functionaries. From the beginning it was obvious that one man with only a few companions can’t drain the swamp. Even if their capacities and insights were far greater then Trump & co.
For a good account on Charlottesville read We’re Being Played
See also: Trump’s lives matter